We know for your business, answering the phone on the first ring is your goal. But, sometimes, that’s just not possible. What do your customers hear when they call your business and are put on hold or wait to be transferred? If it’s a robotic voice, the dreaded elevator music or even dead silence, it could be the sounds of missed marketing opportunities.

Those few moments when customers wait on the line — when they’re a captive audience — are often the best time for you to offer them information or promotional messages. That’s why professional on-hold messaging is a valuable tool for improving the caller experience, reducing hang-ups, educating callers about your business, and driving sales.

Don’t give your customers a reason to tune out or hang up

Professional on-hold messaging, such as that offered by cloud-based phone company Clarity Voice, allows you to leverage your phone system’s capabilities to deliver tailored information to your customers. Because callers are prone to hang up when they hear silence, it’s essential that you keep them engaged while they wait. And, while you strive to answer customers’ calls promptly, placing them on hold is often a necessity.

In fact, a nationwide survey by the On Hold Messaging Association showed that among businesses with a high volume of calls (200 or more per day), more than half of callers were put on hold — with two-thirds of them for an average of 30 seconds. Plus, a poll by the Institute of Commercial Management in the UK revealed that more than 70 percent of consumers surveyed preferred on-hold messages to silence.

What’s more, the North American Telecommunications Association found that callers will hold approximately 30 seconds longer when hearing music, and up to 3 minutes longer when hearing music coupled with information. Instead of allowing on-hold time to be wasted time, you can promote your brand, products, and services while keeping callers on the line.

In addition to lowering the amount of time callers perceive to be on hold in order to reduce hang-ups, on-hold messaging can:

  1. Keep callers updated about current promotions, specials, and events
  2. Answer common caller questions about your company’s operations
  3. Present a polished and professional image to existing and potential customers
  4. Educate callers with interesting facts about your business
  5. Promote customer loyalty programs
  6. Increase employee productivity
  7. Invite callers to visit your website and social media channels

You can even take on-hold messaging a step further with “Message on Ring” by Clarity Voice. This feature allows your business to promote a special offering or similar information during the time the phone is ringing in the office. A typical two-ring call has 6 seconds of “dead time,” which is the ideal time to use for promotion. This can be so effective, in fact, that a study conducted by Domino’s Pizza concluded that advertising a special pre-answer would increase the average “ticket” (order) by 20%.

Let on-hold messaging improve your bottom line

Along with greatly improving your customers’ experience, on-hold messaging can increase your revenue by initiating sales. A Telemarketing Magazine survey found that 15% to 20% of callers make purchases based on information they heard while on hold. As your on-hold messaging is an extension of your marketing strategy, it’s a prime opportunity for you to promote your products and services and educate your customers about their benefits.

You can also generate interest in lesser-known offerings. For example, if your business has a primary product or service that brings in most of your revenue, you can highlight other products and services by promoting them as add-ons or specials. Or, you can mention items your callers may not know about, including new products, warranties, and product and service packages.

Steps to creating effective on-hold messaging

When it comes to creating custom on-hold messages, the first step is finding a company that can partner with you to ensure the highest quality possible. For the best results for you and your callers, you’ll want to work with experienced professionals who know how to handle the process from start to finish — and provide ongoing support.

Next, you’ll want to select the specific music and professional voice talent to use in your messaging. Be sure to choose a voice talent that matches your brand’s unique style. Then, it’s time to write the script. You can create and provide your own script, or collaborate with the creative professionals you’ve selected. They’ll put all the elements together into a production that you should be asked to review and approve.

 Make the most of your customers’ on-hold time

Since the initial impression your customers get when calling your business can set the tone for their entire experience with you, it’s essential that your on-hold messaging is timely, engaging, and informative. Callers will be much more likely to listen when they feel in control and valued. To get the most out of your messaging, make sure you:

  • Address your audience – Keep in mind your key demographics and tailor your messages to your customers’ specific needs, interests and buying tendencies whenever possible.


  • Update, update, update – Customers will tire of hearing the same messages every time they call, so make sure you change up your messages regularly and according to seasons/holidays.


  • Time it right Get to know your customers’ average hold times and record enough messages to ensure callers don’t get stuck listening to a continual loop of the same ones over and over.


  • Mind the tone – Consider whether or not the tone of your messages matches that of your company. While waiting to speak with an actual person, callers will form an impression of your business based on this tone.

It’s always helpful to listen to example scripts before production begins on your on-hold messages. Often, this can help you brainstorm tone and content ideas.

Harness the power of your phone system with Clarity

When you’re ready to create relevant on-hold messaging that gets results, look no further than Clarity Voice, offering the best VoIP service with features that make your life easier. Clarity can help you improve your customers’ experience and increase sales. Best of all, we handle the technical details, so you can rest easy, knowing your callers’ time on hold will always be put to the best use.

No matter the size of your business or your market, Clarity can customize on-hold and on-ring messaging based on your specific needs and industry. We take care of the hard stuff, so you can sit back and relax while your messaging speaks volumes to your valued customers.

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