Welcome to the final article in our local business series for franchise owners. At the end of this page, you’ll find links to all the articles in the series, but for now, let’s turn our attention to local media.

Here, we share practical advice on how to use local media and local advertising to boost awareness for your franchise. We cover everything from choosing the right media outlets to crafting messages that resonate with your local community. So, let’s get started!

6 Tips for Local Media Campaigns

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Getting the word out through local media channels is both an art and a science. These six tips are designed to help you master both so your campaigns leave a lasting impact on your local community.

1. Know Your Options

First, explore the world of local media options for your franchise. Picking the right place to advertise can make a big difference in getting the word out about your business. Here are some options you may consider.

  • Local Newspapers and Magazines: These are great for detailed ads. They sometimes have sections just for local businesses.
  • Radio: A quick ad here can reach people on their commute. Local stations are always looking for businesses to feature.
  • Local TV Stations: A bit pricier, but a well-placed TV ad can grab a lot of attention.
  • Billboards: These are perfect for high-traffic areas. They get your message out there, loud and clear.
  • Local Podcasts and Influencers: Partnering up can put you in front of a dedicated audience that trusts their recommendations.

local media, local advertising, clarity voice

  • Local Websites: Advertising on sites like your town’s news outlet or other popular sites with local information can reach prospects who prefer to stay digital.

Exploring these options requires a bit of homework to see what fits your budget and goals. Start by listing what’s available in your area, then match them with where your customers will likely tune in or click. This way, you’re not just throwing your message out there but targeting it to your target local audience.

2. Create a Media Plan

Creating a media plan lets you map out a strategy to ensure your franchise gets noticed. This step is crucial because it aligns your advertising efforts with your goals to make sure every dollar brings a return on investment. Consider the following in your media plan.

  • Goals: What do you hope to achieve with your advertising? It could be increasing foot traffic, boosting a specific product, or raising general brand awareness.
  • Budget: Determine how much you’re willing to spend. This will help narrow down your options and focus your efforts.
  • Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach? Understanding your audience will guide you in selecting the proper channels.

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  • Channel Selection: Choose the most effective channels from your options list based on your budget and who you want to reach.
  • Campaign Duration: Decide how long your campaign will run. Timing can be everything, especially if you’re promoting a seasonal event or sale.
  • Measurement: Plan how you’ll measure success. This could be through tracking phone calls, sales, website visits, or coupon codes specific to each marketing campaign.

After laying out the groundwork with a well-thought-out plan, you’re ready to launch. Your plan acts as a blueprint, guiding you through the advertising process. It ensures that your campaigns are cost-effective and targeted towards your goals. With a solid media plan, you’re one step closer to making a significant impact with your local media.

3. Get Creative with Local Advertising

Now, it’s time to dive into the creative aspect of your local media campaigns. This part is about crafting messages that capture attention and resonate deeply with your audience. Keep these creative elements in mind.

  • Visuals and Audio: Use high-quality images and sound that reflect your brand’s quality and appeal to the local audience’s tastes.

local media, local advertising, clarity voice

  • Emotional Connection: Craft your messages to tell a story or evoke feelings, making your brand memorable and relatable.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Make it clear what you want the audience to do next, whether it’s visiting your store, calling for more information, or taking advantage of a promotion.
  • Brand Recognition: Ensure your branding is consistent across all ads, making your franchise easily recognizable.
  • Local Events and Seasons: Tie your campaigns to local happenings or seasonal themes to increase relevance and engagement.
  • Cross-Promotions and Partnerships: Collaborate with other local businesses or events for mutual promotion, expanding your reach within the community.

By focusing on these creative elements, you will create advertisements that represent your brand well and have a powerful impact on your potential customers.

4. Become a Local Expert

Establishing yourself as a local expert enhances your brand’s visibility and credibility in the community. By sharing valuable knowledge and insights with local media sources, you position yourself as a thought leader in your field. Here are some ways to become recognized as a local expert.

  • Media Pitches: Reach out to local newspapers, radio, and TV stations with unique story ideas that highlight your expertise and interest their audiences.
  • Interview Opportunities: Make yourself available for interviews on topics related to your industry, offering insightful and helpful information.


  • Guest Posts and Local Podcasts: Contribute articles to local websites or blogs and seek opportunities to appear on local podcasts.
  • Community Workshops and Talks: Host or participate in workshops and talks that educate the community on topics relevant to your business.
  • Active Social Media Presence: Use social media to share your knowledge, answer questions, and engage with the local community.

These strategies position you (and your brand) as the go-to expert on various topics. It’s an ideal way to boost your brand’s profile and build meaningful connections with your local audience.

5. Invest in PR

local media, local advertising, clarity voice

Investing in local PR is about building and maintaining a strong positive image of your brand within the local community. This approach can help your franchise become a known and trusted name, even outside your direct advertising and thought leadership efforts. A local PR team can assist you in several key areas.

  • Media Relations: They can connect you with local media outlets, getting your franchise featured in news stories, interviews, and community highlights.
  • Crisis Management: When things don’t go as planned, they help you manage the fallout, protecting your reputation and turning potential negatives into positives.
  • Press Releases: They can craft compelling press releases for new offerings or events, drawing media attention and public interest.
  • Media Training: They can help you boost your media skills and learn how to present your franchise effectively in interviews and public appearances.

With local PR support, you can extend your reach within the community and engage potential customers in meaningful ways beyond traditional advertising.

6. Measure Results and Revise

local media, local advertising, clarity voice

Evaluating the performance of your local media campaigns helps you understand their impact and how they contribute to your business goals. By setting specific, measurable objectives before you launch (tip #2!), you can track whether each campaign is helping you connect with the local community, increase brand awareness, or drive sales.

The value of any local media campaign lies in its ability to meet the objectives you’ve set. Whether boosting your presence in the community or driving specific actions from potential customers, measuring each campaign’s performance gives you the insights needed to refine and improve your future marketing efforts.

The ‘Grow Your Local Business’ Series!

Thanks for joining us on this journey into how to market your local business. Throughout this series, we explored statistics, digital tactics, and traditional marketing that can help your franchise stand out in the local community. If you missed any of the articles in the series, get the recap and links below! We hope you now have new ideas on how to make your business stand out locally, and we hope to see you for our next series for franchise business owners (coming soon)!