Welcome back to our series aimed at elevating your franchise in the local community. Having explored local SEO strategies in our last article, we now consider local content creation. Read on to discover 12 ideas for engaging your local audience with tailored online content!

12 Ideas for Impactful Local Online Content

local content - blog ideas

Local content can take many forms. We’ve organized our ideas into blogging, emails, and social media. But don’t feel limited by these categories. Many of these ideas are versatile and can be adapted across different platforms.

Local Content Ideas for Blogging

Blogging offers a unique opportunity to connect with your local community. Here are some ideas to create blog posts that resonate with your local audience and highlight your franchise’s community involvement.

Local Customer Stories/Testimonials

Local customer stories and testimonials offer a personal touch to your blog and create a deeper connection with your community. Start by identifying customers with unique experiences or those who have shown loyalty to your franchise. Conduct in-depth interviews to capture their stories, focusing on how your services or products have positively impacted their lives. Including photos or videos can add authenticity. Testimonials engage local readers and build trust by showcasing real-life customer satisfaction. Regularly featuring different customers can turn your blog into a hub celebrating how your product or service has impacted the community.

Community Spotlight Series

A blog series spotlighting local heroes, businesses, or events can weave your franchise into the community’s narrative. Each post could highlight a different aspect, like a community leader making a difference or a local annual festival. This approach demonstrates your franchise’s engagement with and commitment to the community. It also serves as an excellent platform for networking, and (if you follow our local SEO tips) these blog posts can help boost your search rankings.

Local-Based Listicles

Local-based listicles are a fantastic way to engage readers with fun and informative content. A listicle is an article written in list format. For example, ‘Top 5 Family Activities in [Your City]’ or ‘Best [Your City] Restaurants for Foodies.’ Finding topics where you can include your franchise in the list can subtly promote your business. The key is to blend local knowledge with your industry insight and offer genuine value to readers.

Community Involvement Stories

Sharing stories of your franchise’s involvement in community initiatives can significantly bolster your local image. Document your participation in charity events, local fairs, or community projects to offer an inside look into your franchise’s values and commitment to the area. Detail the events in a blog post, including how your company helped and the impact you made. Include quotes from team members and other local participants to enhance the story and make it more relatable.

Local Content Ideas for Emails

local content - email marketing ideas

Email marketing can be a powerful tool to connect with your local customer base. Explore these ideas to craft emails that are informative and echo the local vibe and interests. If you don’t have a list yet, check out our article How to Build an Email List in 3 Simple Steps.

Invitations to Local Events

Email invitations to local events hosted by your franchise create a sense of community involvement. When crafting these emails, highlight the event’s significance to the local area. Include engaging visuals, the event’s details (date, time, location), and what attendees can expect. Personalize the invitation to make each recipient feel specially invited. If applicable, mention any local partners or charities involved and encourage them to email their list, too.

Behind the Scenes Looks

A behind-the-scenes glimpse into your franchise operations can build a more intimate connection with your audience. These emails could showcase daily operations, highlight how your products are made, or discuss other aspects of the business. Include photos or short videos to make the content more engaging. This type of email allows customers to see the people and processes behind your brand, fostering transparency and trust. It also humanizes your franchise, making it more than just a business in the eyes of your local community.

Local Promotions and Specials

Emails about local promotions and specials are direct ways to incentivize your audience to engage with your franchise. Ensure these promotions are relevant to your local audience’s needs and interests. This might include special discounts during local festivals, holiday sales, or exclusive offers for local residents. Use eye-catching graphics and clear call-to-actions (CTAs) to encourage immediate action. Personalize the message to make recipients feel these offers are exclusively for them.

Meet the Team

Allow local customers to get to know the people behind your franchise with ‘Meet the Team’ emails (or a ‘Meet the Team’ section in your newsletter). Feature different team members in each email, including a brief interview that covers their roles, interests, and connections to the local area, like their favorite local spots or activities. This approach adds a personal touch and helps customers feel more connected to the people who run your business.

Local Content Ideas for Social Media

local content - social media ideas

Engage your local audience where they spend their time – on social media. Use these ideas to create posts that resonate locally, from the strategic use of hashtags to collaborative content.

Local Hashtags

Incorporating local hashtags into your social media posts is a simple yet effective way to increase local visibility. Research and use hashtags that are popular in your area or specific to your community. These could include the name of your city, neighborhood, local events, or even local slang. Using these hashtags increases the chances of your local audience seeing your posts. Regularly review and update your hashtag strategy to reflect current trends and events in your community.

Local Event Spotlights and Live Updates

Use your social media platforms to highlight local events, whether you’re hosting, participating, or just supporting the event. Share posts before the event to create buzz, and provide live updates during the event to engage those who couldn’t attend in person. You can use live videos, stories, and real-time pictures to capture the event’s energy. Sharing local events demonstrates your active involvement in the community and helps build a connection with local followers who share similar interests.

Collaborations with Other Local Businesses

Collaborating with other local businesses on social media can be mutually beneficial. Follow local business pages, share their content, or even create joint promotional campaigns. This broadens your reach to include the followers of these businesses and shows your support for the local business community. Tagging each other in posts, sharing each other’s events, or creating collaborative content like joint giveaways or contests can significantly enhance local engagement.

Interactive Content

Engage your local audience with interactive content like polls, surveys, trivia, or contests. Tailor these to local interests or themes – for instance, a trivia quiz about local history or a contest celebrating local small businesses. Interactive content encourages engagement and can provide valuable insights into your audience’s preferences. Plus, it’s a fun way to keep your audience entertained and connected. Remember to keep the interaction light, friendly, and relevant to your local area.

Building Connections with Online Content

Today, we’ve explored a range of ideas to infuse local flavor into your online content. These strategies are designed to deepen your connection with the community and elevate your franchise’s local presence.

In our next installment, we’ll dive into local online advertising, showing you how to extend your reach even further. Hope to see you there!