Welcome to the final installment in our employee training series tailored for franchise business owners! Implementing an effective training program is no small feat; it comes with its own challenges. In this article, we’ll dive into eight common employee training challenges you might face and offer actionable advice to overcome them. Also, for those interested in revisiting our previous topics, you’ll find a complete list of articles at the bottom of this page.

Employee Training Challenge 1: Cost of Training

8 Common Employee Training Challenges - cost of training

Training can be a significant financial investment, especially if you own several franchise units and must train employees across locations. The expenses can quickly add up, from the cost of the materials and trainers to the time employees spend in training instead of on the job.

How to Overcome This Challenge

Cost shouldn’t compromise the quality of your training program. A balanced approach can yield excellent results without breaking the bank. Strategic planning and resource allocation can make your training both effective and economical.

  • Utilize Online Platforms: Shift some of your training to online platforms to reduce the cost of physical materials and venues.
  • In-House Training: Use experienced staff to train new employees rather than hiring external experts.
  • Government Grants and Subsidies: Look for grants and subsidies to offset training costs.
  • Group Training: Train multiple employees at once to make the most of your time and resources.

Employee Training Challenge 2: Time Constraints

Time is money, and taking employees away from their regular duties for training can affect productivity and, subsequently, profits. According to a 2022 Valamis study, almost half of workers cite lack of time as their company’s biggest challenge to learning and development. 

How to Overcome This Challenge

Effective time management is crucial for implementing a successful training program without affecting business operations. Planning when and how training sessions are conducted can help you maintain productivity while ensuring your employees gain the necessary skills.

  • Microlearning: Break training into smaller, manageable modules that can be completed during downtime.
  • Blended Learning: Combine online and in-person training to offer more flexible timing options.
  • Scheduled Training: Plan training sessions during off-peak hours or in segments to minimize disruptions.
  • Time-Tracking Tools: Use software to closely monitor the time spent on training activities.

Employee Training Challenge 3: Employee Engagement

8 Common Employee Training Challenges - employee engagement

A common hurdle in employee training is a lack of engagement. When training is dull or irrelevant, employees are unlikely to absorb the information they need to learn the job or improve their performance.

How to Overcome This Challenge

The key to boosting engagement is making the training interactive, relevant, and enjoyable. Addressing your employees’ needs and interests can make the training material more appealing, increasing engagement and information retention.

  • Gamification: Incorporate game-like elements like points, badges, and leaderboards into training.
  • Interactive Modules: Use videos, quizzes, and real-life scenarios to make training more engaging.
  • Feedback Loops: Regularly solicit feedback to understand what employees find helpful in the training.
  • Personalization: Tailor the training to fit individual roles or learning styles for a more relevant experience (more on this in Challenge #5).

Employee Training Challenge 4: Updating Training Materials

Business practices, technologies, and regulations can change rapidly. As a result, training materials can quickly become outdated, rendering them ineffective or even counterproductive.

How to Overcome This Challenge

Keeping training materials up-to-date is essential for an effective training program. Regular updates ensure your team has the latest knowledge and best practices.

  • Regular Audits: Perform periodic reviews of all training materials.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Use employee feedback to identify areas that may need updating.
  • Expert Review: Have experts review the material for relevance and accuracy (including managers or people who have been on the job for a while).
  • Version Control: Keep track of updates and versions to ensure everyone uses the most current material.

Employee Training Challenge 5: Adapting to Different Learning Styles

Employee Training Challenge - different learning styles

Every individual has a unique way of learning. Some might be visual learners, while others prefer reading or hands-on experience. The challenge lies in creating a training program that accommodates these varying learning styles so it is comprehensive and effective for everyone.

How to Overcome This Challenge

Acknowledging and adapting to different learning styles can make your training program more effective and inclusive. By diversifying your training materials and methods, you can cater to a broader range of learning styles.

  • Multimedia Content: Use a mix of videos, text, and interactive quizzes to cater to different learning preferences.
  • Hands-On Training: Include practical sessions or simulations for kinesthetic learners.
  • Individual Assessments: Periodically assess learning styles and adapt your program accordingly.
  • Feedback Loops: Regularly solicit feedback to understand how well different methods work and adjust as needed.

Employee Training Challenge 6: Onboarding Speed

There’s often pressure to get new employees up to speed quickly. However, rushing through the onboarding process can result in information overload, reduced retention, and ineffective training. Also, according to the 2021 Workplace Learning Report by LinkedIn, 58% of employees say they like to study at their own pace. 

How to Overcome This Challenge

A rushed onboarding process benefits no one. While getting new hires operational as quickly as possible is essential, cutting corners on training can have long-term effects. Instead, focus on creating a balanced onboarding process that marries speed with effectiveness.

  • Staggered Training: Roll out training modules in phases to avoid overwhelming new hires.
  • Mentorship Programs: Pair new employees with seasoned staff for quicker adaptation to the company culture and systems.
  • Checkpoints: Have regular checkpoints to assess comprehension and readiness for the next phase of training.
  • Digital Onboarding: Utilize online onboarding tools that new hires can go through at their own pace.

Employee Training Challenge 7: Skill Retention

8 Common Employee Training Challenges - skill retention

The point of training is not just to teach skills but to ensure that they are retained and effectively applied in the workplace. Skill retention can be a significant challenge, especially when employees are bombarded with a lot of information at once.

How to Overcome This Challenge

Skill retention is as crucial as the training itself. To ensure employees retain what they’ve learned, consider adopting strategies to improve memory retention and skill application.

  • Regular Refresher Courses: Offer these to review and reinforce previously learned skills.
  • Real-World Simulations: Provide opportunities for employees to apply what they’ve learned in a controlled environment.
  • Performance Metrics: Track how well skills are being applied in the workplace.
  • Post-Training Support: Create a system where employees can seek help or clarification even after the training period is over. According to a 2022 SHRM study, 76% of employees say they are more inclined to stay in a company if it offers continuous learning and development. 

Employee Training Challenge 8: Measuring Success

Determining the effectiveness of your training program is crucial for continuous improvement, but it’s often easier said than done. Traditional metrics like completion rates or test scores may not fully describe how well your employees apply their new skills in real-world situations.

How to Overcome This Challenge

Measuring the success of your training program should go beyond just numbers and percentages. Look at a range of indicators to understand the impact of training on performance and business outcomes. 

  • Post-Training Evaluations: Use these to gauge immediate reactions and understanding.
  • Skill Application Metrics: Track key performance indicators that relate directly to the skills taught.
  • Employee Surveys: Collect feedback from employees on how they perceive the value and applicability of the training.
  • Business Outcome Metrics: Look at broader business indicators like customer satisfaction or sales performance to gauge the longer-term impact of the training.

Overcoming Employee Training Challenges 

overcoming challenges of training employees

Creating an effective training program is hard work. By avoiding the common employee training challenges on this list, you’ll be on your way to long-term success. We hope the solutions in this article have shed light on overcoming these hurdles. 

Thank you for tuning into our series on the critical topic of employee training! If you’ve missed our past articles or would like a refresher, you can access them through the links below.