Welcome back to our ongoing series for franchise business owners about employee training. We’ve already walked you through different types of employee training, explored various training methods, and provided a blueprint for creating your employee training program. Today, we’re taking a closer look at a topic that’s reshaping the landscape of employee training—using technology to train employees.

In this article, we’ll review popular employee training technology and share ideas on incorporating these tools into your training program. But before we get to that, it’s essential to understand the benefits of using technology to train employees. Let’s discuss it below. 

Benefits of Employee Training Technology

9 Tips to Leverage Technology to Train Employees - employee training technology benefits

Employee training technology offers various benefits that can make your training program more efficient, engaging, and, ultimately, more effective. Here are some of the ways technology can enhance employee training:

  • Personalization: You can tailor training modules to fit individual learning styles or job roles to make the learning experience more relevant.
  • Accessibility: Cloud-based resources and eLearning platforms allow your employees to access training materials anytime, anywhere.
  • Engagement: Tools like gamification and interactive quizzes keep employees engaged, increase retention, and help them apply their knowledge.
  • Consistency: Digital platforms ensure the same high-quality training is delivered to all employees across all locations.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: You can track employee progress and performance through digital assessments and make data-driven decisions for future training.

Now that you understand the benefits of incorporating technology into your training program, let’s explore some exciting options. From eLearning platforms to call training tools, many resources are at your disposal.

9 Tips and Tools to Leverage Technology to Train Employees

You juggle numerous responsibilities as a franchise business owner—from customer service to inventory management. But one aspect that can make or break your success is employee training. Leveraging technology can give you an edge, making your training program not just a checkbox but a competitive advantage. Here are nine tips and tools to help you do just that.

1. eLearning Systems

9 Tips to Leverage Technology to Train Employeees - elearning systems

eLearning solutions top the list of employee training technology. These systems range from straightforward platforms for course delivery to comprehensive Learning Management Systems (LMS) that can host, track, and analyze a complete training program. While a full-fledged LMS provides analytics, data tracking, and sometimes even AI-driven personalized learning paths, a basic eLearning platform can be more budget-friendly and easier to implement. You can read more about the differences here

Regardless of the option you choose, both allow you to upload custom training materials tailored to your franchise’s unique needs, be it customer service practices, POS system usage, or food safety protocols. Opting for an eLearning solution streamlines your training program, allows for greater flexibility, and creates more effective and engaging employee training.

2. Video Conferencing Tools for Remote Training

Even if your employees are primarily on-site, there will be times when in-person training isn’t feasible. Enter video conferencing tools. These platforms, such as Zoom or Google Meet, allow you to hold live training sessions to interact with your employees in real-time. The beauty of video conferencing is that it enables hands-on, interactive learning without the need for physical presence. It’s a time-saver and can be particularly useful for urgent, last-minute training needs or for reaching employees who are scattered geographically.

3. Digital Assessments and Quizzes

Are your employees retaining what they’ve learned? Assessments and quizzes can quickly gauge understanding and knowledge retention. Immediate feedback is one of the primary benefits of using technology. Your employees don’t have to wait for results, and you get real-time data that can help you fine-tune your training modules. These assessments can often be integrated into your existing eLearning or LMS platforms.

4. Online Collaboration Spaces for Peer Learning

9 Tips to Leverage Technology to Train Employees - online collaboration

Regarding training, two (or more) heads are often better than one. Collaboration platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams offer spaces where employees can learn from one another. These spaces can be set up as discussion boards, peer review forums, or real-time problem-solving rooms. The beauty of peer learning in these virtual spaces is that it taps into your team’s collective knowledge and experiences.

5. Recordings for Future Reference

Don’t let valuable training sessions go to waste. Recordings allow you to capture those teachable moments for future use. This is particularly beneficial for standardized procedures and training modules with long-term relevance. Whether you’re using video recordings from training sessions or voice recordings from customer service calls, these resources allow you to create a training library that can be accessed by new hires or as a refresher course for existing staff. 

6. Cloud-Based Training Resources 

Cloud-based training resources can be accessed anytime, anywhere, providing the flexibility your employees need. All the training material is centralized and can be updated in real time, ensuring everyone is on the same page. Some popular cloud storage services include Google Workspace, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox for business.

7. Gamification

Want to make training more engaging? Turn it into a game. Gamification incorporates elements like points, badges, and leaderboards to make learning more interactive and fun. With technology (including eLearning and LMS systems), you can maximize employee engagement, motivation, and retention. Gamification can range from simple quizzes and games to complex points and rewards systems.

8. Call Training Tools

9 Tips to Leverage Technology to Train Employees - employee training technology - call training tools

Nothing beats real-world experience. Cloud phone system tools that allow for ‘listen,’ ‘whisper,’ and ‘join’ functionalities give managers the power to train employees during live customer interactions. ‘Listen’ lets managers silently monitor calls; ‘whisper’ enables them to provide real-time guidance without the customer hearing; and ‘join’ allows for active participation in the call. These functionalities of FranchisePhones® make the training incredibly hands-on and tailored to real-world scenarios.

9. Microlearning Modules

Attention spans are limited, and information overload is a genuine concern. Microlearning addresses this by breaking down training into bite-sized modules, often no longer than five minutes. These can be videos, interactive resources, or quick quizzes. With the aid of technology, you can deliver information in digestible chunks that can be easily remembered and applied.

Using Technology to Train Employees

Using technology in employee training is a game-changer. It makes training easier to manage, more engaging for your team, and better tailored to your franchise’s needs. So, try some of the tools and tips we’ve shared and see how they enhance your employee training program.

Next up, we’ll wrap up our series on employee training with a final article. We’ll talk about common training challenges and how to solve them. Stay tuned!