Welcome back to our series on teamwork for pizzeria owners! In this installment, we’re exploring how to build a strong team in your pizza business, starting with the hiring process. What are the essential teamwork skills you should look for and hire for? Keep reading to find out!

7 Teamwork Skills to Look for When Hiring

In this article, we discuss the seven crucial teamwork skills to look for in candidates and share practical tips on how to spot these skills in resumes, job applications, and interviews. Want to build your pizzeria’s team? Make sure to hire for these skills!

1. Communication

Communication is arguably the most critical teamwork skill in a pizzeria. Good communication skills ensure the team works well together during busy shifts. Clear communication allows everyone to understand each other, avoid mistakes, and offer excellent customer service.

Spotting Communication Skills in a Resume/Job Application

Look for candidates with experience in roles requiring good communication. This might include customer interaction, teamwork, or project management. Keywords like “team meetings” or “customer service” are good signs. Also, see how they communicate in their application: is it clear and well-written?

Evaluating Communication Skills in an Interview

In the interview, ask about times they’ve needed to use their communication skills. Consider questions like, “Can you describe a time when you had to explain something complex to a team member?” or “How do you deal with miscommunications at work?” Also, notice how they answer: are they clear and to the point? Do they listen and respond thoughtfully? This will give you insight into their communication style.

2. Collaboration

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Good collaboration means team members work well together, especially when it’s busy. Collaboration is a teamwork skill that involves coordinating with everyone to keep things running optimally.

Identifying Collaboration Skills in a Resume/Job Application

Look for signs of teamwork and collaboration in their past roles. This could be experience in the food service industry, participating in team sports, or group activities like community service. Mentions of working in a team or group achievements indicate that a candidate values collaboration.

Evaluating Collaboration Skills in an Interview

Ask how they work in a team. Questions like, “Can you give an example of a time you had to work closely with others to meet a deadline?” or “What role do you usually play in a team?” are helpful. You want to understand how well they work with others and contribute to group goals.

3. Problem-Solving

A good problem-solver keeps everything running smoothly, ensuring the team and customers are happy. Problem-solving is an essential teamwork skill to look for, especially when hiring a restaurant manager.

Identifying Problem-Solving Skills in a Resume/Job Application

Look for experience in fast-paced jobs or situations where they had to think on their feet. This could be roles in quick service restaurants or busy retail stores. Also, examples of taking initiative or handling challenging situations are good signs. Phrases like “resolved,” “managed,” or “improvised” are what to look for.

Evaluating Problem-Solving Skills in an Interview

Ask them about handling tricky situations. Questions like “Tell me about a time you had to solve a problem quickly at work” or “How do you react when you don’t have all the answers?” are revealing. Listen for answers that show they can think quickly, work with others, and stay calm under pressure.

4. Empathy

Empathy in a pizzeria means understanding and responding to the feelings of colleagues and customers. It helps create a positive work environment known for teamwork and excellent customer service. Staff who are empathetic handle customer issues better and support their teammates.

Identifying Empathy in a Resume/Job Application

Look for roles where they need strong people skills. This might be in the hospitality industry, customer service jobs, or activities that involve working closely with others, like clubs or social groups.

Evaluating Empathy in an Interview

Ask about how they deal with others. Questions like “Can you tell me about a difficult situation with a customer or coworker?” or “How do you react when a team member is upset?” can show how well they understand and respond to others’ feelings.

5. Respectfulness

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Respectfulness in a pizzeria means valuing everyone’s contributions, from team members to customers. It’s essential for creating a welcoming and supportive atmosphere where everyone feels valued.

Identifying Respectfulness in a Resume/Job Application

Respectfulness might not be directly stated in a resume, but you can infer it from their work history. Look for roles in customer-facing jobs or volunteer work where treating people well is important. Even part-time jobs or internships where they had to work with diverse people can show they treat others with respect.

Evaluating Respectfulness in an Interview

Notice not just what they say but how they act. Watch how they interact with any staff members during a brief tour or while waiting for the interview. Are they polite and interested in everyone, no matter their role? Also, ask questions like “How do you handle disagreements with coworkers?” or “How would you deal with a customer complaint?” Their answers and interactions can help you judge their respectfulness.

6. Reliability

Reliability in a pizzeria means being someone the team can count on. Reliable staff are consistent and dependable and help operations run smoothly. Reliable individuals handle their duties well and are there when needed, especially during busy times.

Identifying Reliability in a Resume/Job Application

Check their job history for signs of staying at jobs for a while. If they’ve been at a job for a long time, that’s usually a good sign, and many job changes might be a warning. Also, roles where they had important responsibilities like managing money or leading a team can indicate they’re reliable.

Evaluating Reliability in an Interview

See if they’re on time for the interview – that’s a quick reliability check. Then, ask about how they handle their responsibilities. Questions like “What would you do if you were running late for work?” or “How do you ensure you’re always doing your job well?” can tell you a lot about their reliability.

7. Flexibility

Flexibility in a pizzeria means being able to adapt and handle different tasks. It’s crucial for dealing with the unexpected, like a sudden rush of customers or helping out in different areas. Flexible staff can switch tasks quickly and keep things moving, no matter what happens.

Identifying Flexibility in a Resume/Job Application

Look for roles where they had to be adaptable, like previous work experience in quick service restaurants. Jobs that required juggling different tasks or quickly changing gears indicate that the candidate can work well in an environment that requires flexibility. Even hobbies or interests that need adaptability can be good signs.

Evaluating Flexibility in an Interview

Ask about how they handle sudden changes at work. Questions like “Describe a time you had to quickly change what you were doing” or “How do you prioritize when everything seems urgent?” can show their adaptability. Also, see how they react if any changes occur during the interview, like a different room or interviewer.

You Can Teach Teamwork Skills Too

teaching teamwork skills

That’s a wrap on the key teamwork skills to look for when hiring. Finding employees with these skills can help you build the right team from the start. For more hiring tips, check out our article 5 Creative Hiring Tips to Choose the Best Restaurant Workers.

Next up in our teamwork series, we’ll focus on how to strengthen teamwork through your employee training. Stay tuned to learn how to develop teamwork skills among your staff to boost individual performance and the success of your pizza business!