So far, our series on local marketing for franchise businesses has covered the digital realm – from SEO to online content like blogs, emails, and social media to online advertising. Now, it’s time to shift gears from digital to offline marketing. We start today with a look at local print marketing.

Often overlooked in our digital-first world, print marketing materials offer a unique and personal way to connect with your local audience. In this article, we’ll share a 5-step strategy to make your print collateral seen and remembered.

5 Steps for Impactful Print Marketing Materials

Whether you’re working on a detailed catalog or a one-page flyer, these steps will guide you in creating print marketing materials that help your franchise stand out.

1. Choose Your Format

Selecting the proper format for your print marketing is key to effectively reaching your local audience. Your choice should align with your marketing goals, the nature of your message, and the preferences of your local community. Each format has unique benefits and is suitable for different messages and campaigns. Here are some popular options:

  • Flyers and Brochures: Ideal for concise, impactful messaging. Great for promoting special events, offers, or quick insights into your services.
  • Catalogs and Booklets: Best for detailed product descriptions, service explanations, or an in-depth look at what your business offers.
  • Postcards: Perfect for direct mail campaigns. They are cost-effective and can be used for brief, eye-catching promotions.
  • Door Hangers: A unique way to catch attention. Suitable for local area marketing, especially for services like lawn care, food delivery, or home services.
  • Business Cards with a Twist: Not just for contact information but can also include discount codes or quick info about your franchise.
  • Menus or Price Lists: For food or service franchises, updated menus or service lists can be a tangible way for customers to see what you offer.

The format you select is your first step towards making a memorable impression on your local audience. The aim is to make your print material stand out while effectively conveying your message and reflecting your brand identity.

2. Nail the Branding

print marketing materials, print marketing, clarity voice

Strong branding is crucial in all marketing, including print. It’s what makes your message instantly recognizable and memorable to your audience. As franchise owners, maintaining brand consistency across all your marketing materials is essential because it builds brand recognition, trust, and credibility. Consider these questions to evaluate if your branding is on point in your print materials:

  • Visual Identity: At a glance, is your brand immediately identifiable? Does your print material align with the visual style and tone of your other marketing efforts?
  • Color Scheme and Fonts: Are you consistently using your brand’s color palette and fonts? Consistency in these elements helps in reinforcing brand recognition.
  • Logo Visibility: How prominent is your business logo? Is it placed in a noticeable spot that is still harmonious with the overall design?
  • Contact Information: Is your contact information easy to find and legible? Remember, the goal is to make it effortless for customers to contact you.
  • Message Consistency: Does the language and tone of your print material reflect your brand’s voice? Ensure the message aligns with your brand’s values and overall marketing narrative.
  • Quality of Materials: Are the materials you’re using for print reflective of your brand’s quality? The physical feel of your print materials can say a lot about your business.

Remember, every element in your print material, from the colors and fonts to the paper quality, reflects your brand. Consistency in branding across all your marketing channels (including print!) reinforces your identity and helps your franchise stand out in the crowded local market.

3. Crafting a Compelling Story and CTA

The power of storytelling combined with a compelling call to action (CTA) can transform your print marketing materials into engaging narratives that captivate your audience. Like all good marketing, the goal is not just to inform but to connect emotionally, tell a story, and motivate the reader to take action. Here’s how to make every word, image, and CTA in your print ad impactful:

  • Create a Narrative: Start with a story that resonates with your local audience. A good story creates an emotional connection, whether it’s about your franchise’s journey, customer experiences, or community involvement.
  • Evoke Emotion: Use images and language that evoke emotions. This could be a sense of belonging, excitement, nostalgia, or humor. Emotional appeals often leave a lasting impression.
  • Clear and Concise Message: Keep your message clear and to the point. Overloading your print materials with too much information can dilute the impact of your story.
  • Visually Striking Imagery: Choose images that complement your story and are visually appealing. High-quality, relevant images can draw the reader in and add depth to your narrative.
  • Persuasive CTA: End with a strong, clear CTA. Whether visiting your store, calling for more information, or checking out a promotion, your CTA should align with the story and motivate the reader to take action.

Remember, the goal of your print marketing materials is not just to inform but to inspire action. Evoke emotion using precise language, exciting visuals, and a strong CTA.

4. Connect with Your Digital Presence

print marketing materials, print marketing, clarity voice

Incorporating digital elements into your print marketing materials can create a cohesive and interactive experience for your audience. This blending of traditional and digital marketing amplifies the impact of your overall strategy. Here are some ideas:

  • QR Codes: Add QR codes that link to your website, a special offer, or a video. This strategy engages and helps you track customer interaction with your print content.
  • Website: Include a link to your website with your contact information, as prospects may want to learn more about you online.
  • Social Media: Include your social media handles and encourage readers to follow your channels for more updates, engaging content, or exclusive offers.
  • Online Call-to-Action: Guide readers to your digital platforms with a clear call-to-action, like signing up for a newsletter or visiting your website for more information.

By linking your print materials to your digital presence, you create a multi-channel experience that reinforces your brand message and encourages deeper customer engagement.

5. Decide on Distribution

Choosing the proper channels to distribute your print marketing materials is crucial. It ensures that your efforts reach and resonate with your intended audience. Some options include:

  • Direct Mail: Personalize and send your materials by mail to potential or existing customers, offering a direct and intimate connection.
  • In-Store Distribution: Place them strategically within your franchise locations where they are easily visible and accessible to customers.
  • Point of Purchase: Hand out materials at the point of sale or checkout areas to catch customers when they are already engaged with your brand.
  • Inserts in Local Publications: Partner with local newspapers or magazines to include your materials as inserts to tap into their established reader base.
  • Local Partnerships: Collaborate with other local businesses or community spaces to have your materials displayed and expand your reach within the community.
  • Community Events: Distribute your materials at local events, fairs, or community gatherings as you engage directly with the local audience.

Effective distribution maximizes the visibility of your print materials, ensuring they get into the hands of your target audience at the right place and time.

Perfecting Your Print Marketing Strategy

In wrapping up our exploration of print marketing materials, remember that these tangible marketing items are extensions of your brand’s story and identity. As such, they offer a unique opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your local audience.

print marketing materials, print marketing, clarity voice As we continue to explore offline marketing strategies, look forward to our next piece, where we’ll discuss engaging ways to connect with your community beyond the printed page. Stay tuned for more insights and creative ideas to elevate your local franchise!