Lead generation is essential for every auto dealership. After all, the number of cars you sell each month depends on the number of leads visiting your showroom. Our last article discussed six online lead generation strategies that all auto dealers should be using. In this article, we will speak about offline lead generation specifically.

As mentioned before, car buyers are increasingly starting the car buying process with online research. However, more than 95 percent of purchases still happen at the dealership. This means that offline lead generation is still important and should be part of every auto dealer’s playbook.

The thing about offline lead generation strategies is that they are most effective when you tie them in with your online lead generation efforts. As we cover the offline lead generation strategies below, we will discuss how they can blend with the online lead generation strategies we shared in our last article.

5 Offline Lead Generation Strategies

Each of the lead generation ideas below is carried out offline but is closely connected to your online lead generation. Let’s explore how that works.

1. Get Your Salespeople on the Phone

Offline Lead Generation Strategies sales people on phone image

Salespeople at high-performing car dealerships aren’t just waiting around all day for leads to come to them. Set a goal (for example, ten) and ensure that each sales team member makes that many calls per day.

This offline lead generation strategy goes hand in hand with the online strategy we discussed in our other article: making sure you set up every page of your website to capture leads. If you follow those tips, you should have a steady stream of contact details coming in, and you may get even more via your Facebook and YouTube pages. In addition to contacting new leads, your sales team should be following up on lost prospects (for example, those who took a test drive and didn’t purchase) and recent purchasers (for example, to encourage recommendations, which we will cover in the next tip).

Having a reliable and effective communications system is vital to offline lead generation! Cloud phone systems like DealerPhones by Clarity Voice can accelerate salesforce effectiveness, reduce turnover, and improve customer interactions.

2. Create a Robust Referral System

Referrals from existing customers are among the most cost-effective ways to get new leads streaming into your showroom. To encourage more referrals and word-of-mouth marketing, you’ll want to focus on customer service to ensure existing customers are satisfied with their experience with your dealership. Once you have customer service nailed, you’ll want a top referral program to incentivize them to share your dealership with friends, family, and business associates.

Offline Lead Generation Strategies rewards image

Some rewards you may consider offering are:

  • Cash or gift cards
  • Dealership store credit
  • Aftermarket vehicle accessories
  • A free tank of gas or oil change

You’ll also need a plan to promote the referral system, and this is where offline lead generation comes in. Follow up with customers after their purchase with emails and phone calls from the salesperson who sold the vehicle. Texting works great (and is also a feature of DealerPhones by Clarity Voice!). A simple-to-follow, well-promoted referral system will bring many leads your way.

This offline lead generation strategy can mix with your online methods in many ways. For example, you may take a picture with the buyer and car on the day of purchase and then send it to them later, asking them to post it on their social media page. You may also encourage the sales team member who helped them to connect with them on LinkedIn so that they can follow up occasionally about the referral program.

3. Encourage More Reviews

offline lead geenrations strategies encourage reviews

In addition to referrals, you’ll also want to encourage more dealership reviews. After all, reviews from strangers can be just as persuasive as recommendations from friends and family. Research shows that 49 percent of consumers trust reviews from strangers as much as personal recommendations from people they know.

So, you might be wondering—how can online reviews be an offline lead generation strategy? And the answer has to do with whether you are using your offline presence to promote online reviews.

One innovative strategy for auto dealers is to set up an iPad in the middle of your showroom or the waiting room of your service area and keep it pinned on your Google review page. After the transaction is finished (either with a new car purchase or the completion of auto services), or even as they wait for the final paperwork, encourage them to leave a review. You may even incentivize the review by offering a freebie when the review is complete.

When soliciting more online reviews, you’ll also want to use phone and text messages. Have salespeople follow up to make sure the customer is delighted with their purchase and their experience at your dealership, then ask them to share a review. Asking for reviews is one area (of many!) where text messaging shines because you can leave a direct link to Google to post the review, so it is easier for them to do so. 

4. Cross-Promote with Local Businesses

offline lead geenration strategies cross promotion

Customers who shop at other places in your city may also need your services. Reach out and make connections with other business owners and discuss ways in which you may team up and promote each other. For example:

  • You may create a referral program for businesses (not just customers, as mentioned in strategy #2). 
  • You may run a promotion such as a gift card to a local restaurant in return for a test drive, which can be promoted at your location and the restaurant. 
  • Or you may sponsor a local team or event, such as a high school sports team, a festival, or a charity run.

Cross-promoting with other businesses aims to keep your auto dealership in front of the local community. When someone is thinking of buying a new vehicle, your dealership is the first that comes to mind.

This offline lead generation strategy can be paired nicely with your online lead generation efforts. For example, you can talk about your partnerships and promotions with the local community on your business website and social media pages. You can also run an ad or create a promotional video.

5. Direct Mail with a Compelling Offer

We can’t cover offline lead generation strategies without mentioning an old favorite: direct mail. Although you might see this as an outdated approach, direct mail, in conjunction with other lead generation strategies, is still highly effective. These days businesses are focused on digital channels, which means your prospect’s physical mailbox is less cluttered, and there is a greater chance they will look at your mailing.

Offline Lead Generation Strategies direct mail

Here is some advice for using direct mail as an offline lead generation strategy: 

  • Let your brand shine! From the logo and images to the copy, your brand personality should be evident to the reader.
  • Use conversational language to connect with the prospect and build a personal connection.
  • Get to the point with as few words as possible and use design elements like images and bullet points to break up chunks of text.
  • Include a call to action that lets them know what they should do next.

Sales and promotions are great for direct mail because they create a sense of urgency. While the main call to action may be to call the dealership or stop in, you can link direct mail to your online lead generation efforts too. For example, you can push people to check out your website, follow you on social, watch a video of a walkaround or test drive, or download a lead magnet. You can also send direct mail to existing customers to promote referrals and reviews.

Offline Lead Generation Strategies

Offline lead generation is not ‘outdated.’ However, auto dealerships should be strategic with these forms of attracting customers and always look for how they can combine offline and online methods for better results. Incorporate some of these offline lead generation strategies into your auto business, and get ready to drive more sales!