Welcome back to our series on customer service challenges for franchise owners! So far, we’ve discussed some of the biggest hurdles every franchise faces, including conflict resolution and handling customer questions. Today, we’re diving into another critical piece of the puzzle: managing customer expectations.

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, customer expectations are higher than ever. According to recent data, 90% of leaders report that customer expectations have reached an all-time high. Customers now demand more personalization, consistency across touchpoints, stringent data protection, and transparency in every interaction. 

Meeting these demands can be challenging, but it’s essential to building trust and loyalty. In this article, we’ll share practical tips on how to set, manage, and exceed customer expectations in your franchise business. By aligning your business promises with what you can reasonably deliver, your customers will remain happy and loyal. Let’s get started!

5 Tips for Managing Customer Expectations

Successfully managing customer expectations can help you build trust and loyalty. Let’s explore five practical tips for setting expectations and preventing misunderstandings.

1. Set Clear Expectations from the Start

customer expectations

The first step in managing expectations is to set them. When you fail to do this, customers may have unreasonable expectations of your business that you can’t live up to. They may form these expectations based on what other businesses do or their own ideas. Either way, you want to avoid having them guess or assume and instead set the expectations yourself from the start.

From the first interaction, ensure your customers understand what they can expect from your products and services. Be honest about what your business can deliver and avoid making promises you can’t keep. Some expectations you can set include: 

  • Product/Service: How your product/service works and what it includes (and doesn’t include)
  • Response Time: How quickly customers will receive a response when they reach out via email, phone, or live chat.
  • Delivery Time: How long it will take for products to be delivered or services to be completed.
  • Return/Refund Policies: How returns, exchanges, and refunds are handled and what the customer should expect
  • Pricing and Fees: How much your product or service costs and any potential applicable fees.

Setting expectations upfront makes managing them much easier. Customers are less likely to be disappointed when they know what to expect.

2. Be Transparent 

Customers appreciate honesty and openness, especially regarding potential delays, changes in service, or issues that may affect their experience. You build trust and reduce frustration by being upfront.

Using multiple communication channels helps you keep your customers informed. Here are some ways to ensure transparency and set expectations across channels:

  • Email updates can keep customers in the loop about essential product, service, and order information.
  • Text messages are a quick and accessible way to provide updates and reminders for things like appointments.
  • Social media is helpful for sharing general information about your business and maintaining an open line of communication.
  • On-hold phone messages can communicate wait time or the person’s order in line while reassuring customers you’ll be with them soon.
  • Website content can provide customers with the information they need (for example, in our last article, we discussed the benefits of having an interactive knowledge base, FAQs, and video tutorials, all of which help set customer expectations). 

3. Ensure Consistency Across Channels

Customers interact with your brand across various touchpoints, from your website and social media to in-store visits and customer service calls. The expectation today is that the experience with your business will be consistent no matter where or how they interact with you. To meet this expectation, you’ll want to develop an omnichannel strategy. Here are some points to consider: 

  • Unified Brand Messaging: Ensure your brand messaging and tone are consistent across all platforms. This will prevent confusion and set clear expectations for your customers.
  • Integrated Customer Data: Use a CRM system to keep track of customer interactions and preferences and provide a personalized experience. Customers’ expectations are more likely to be met when they feel known and understood.
  • Standardized Procedures: Develop standardized procedures for customer service across all channels to ensure uniformity. Consistent processes mean customers will know what to expect regardless of the channel they use.
  • Staff Training: To maintain consistency, train all staff members on your brand values and customer service standards. With well-trained employees who deliver consistent experiences, customers will know what to expect when they reach out for support. 
  • Cross-Channel Communication: Ensure information flows smoothly between channels so customers don’t have to repeat themselves. This seamless communication reassures customers that their needs are being addressed efficiently.

Consistency across channels builds trust and reliability, helping to set customer expectations for what it’s like to do business with you. When customers know they can expect the same high level of service no matter how they interact with your business, they have a positive experience that grows loyalty.

4. Align Your Marketing with Reality

managing customer expectations

It’s tempting to highlight the best possible outcomes in your marketing or even embellish a little to attract customers. However, it’s crucial to ensure that your promises are realistic. Overpromising and underdelivering can lead to customer disappointment and hurt your brand’s reputation. Setting accurate expectations through honest marketing helps build trust and ensures customers know what to expect.

When crafting your marketing materials, here are some things to remember.


  • Exaggerate, overpromise, or make claims that your product or service cannot consistently deliver.
  • Use misleading imagery that doesn’t reflect the actual product or service accurately.
  • Hide important information such as limitations, terms, and conditions.
  • Use fake reviews or testimonials simply to make your product/service/business look good.


  • Provide honest descriptions that highlight the strengths and benefits of your offerings.
  • Use genuine testimonials from actual customers to enhance credibility.
  • Be transparent about timelines, availability, and delivery.
  • Clearly state terms and conditions so customers understand the necessary details before purchasing.

By aligning your marketing with reality, you effectively manage customer expectations, reduce the risk of disappointment, and foster long-term trust. Customers appreciate honesty and are more likely to remain loyal when they feel they can rely on your business to deliver what it promises.

5. Handle Complaints Gracefully

Even with the best efforts to set and manage expectations, customers will sometimes complain. How you handle these complaints can significantly impact their overall perception of your business and future loyalty. While we discussed conflict resolution in a past article, let’s talk about two specific scenarios related to expectations. 

When Customers Have Incorrect Expectations

Sometimes, customers may have expectations that were not set by your business or were misunderstood. In these cases, handling the situation with patience and empathy is essential. Gently explain the accurate expectations, provide any clarifications needed, and offer solutions to satisfy the customer without overextending your resources.

When You Fail to Meet the Expectations You Set

Despite best efforts, there may be times when your business fails to meet the expectations you’ve set. In these scenarios, it’s crucial to acknowledge the mistake, apologize sincerely, and work toward a resolution. This might include offering compensation, discounting future services, or simply ensuring that the issue is resolved quickly and effectively.

By handling complaints gracefully, you address immediate concerns and demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction. This approach helps manage and reset expectations, maintaining trust and loyalty in the long run.

Managing Customer Expectations

customer expectations

Effectively managing customer expectations is the key to maintaining trust and satisfaction. You can build long-term loyalty by setting clear expectations from the start and handling any deviations or misunderstandings gracefully. Remember, it’s better to set realistic expectations than to have customers create their own, which may be unrealistic or unachievable.

As we continue our series on customer service challenges, stay tuned for our next article, where we’ll explore strategies to slash response times and elevate customer satisfaction. See you then!